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We hope that this information is useful and if you have any more questions, please contact Eleos Clinic on or on our phone number 020 3903 9737.
We are all here to listen and support you through your journey.
Who do you communicate with?As a clinic, we ask that GP’s and referrers are usually updated as part of our report writing and letters to keep them informed regarding care being offered. This is recognised as good practice when working with patients. Please let us know if you wish to discuss this. After your assessments and treatment, an update letter or report will be provided for you to share with any relevant people involved. We complete letters within 4 weeks after the appointment. For ADHD and Autism assessments, a feedback session is required to discuss the outcome of the assessment.
How can I be referred to Eleos Clinic?Eleos Clinic can accept referrals from all adults, families and professionals. This may include the GP, school, colleges, universities or other partners (therapists, doctors or other clinicians). A referral letter is recommended from the GP if possible. This can to share other medical issues, treatments received and whether there are any medications prescribed or allergies.
How do I contact someone at the clinic?If you would like to contact us, you can complete an online form, or send a brief email to or call 020 3903 9737. From 5pm to 9am Monday to Friday and at the weekends, there is an answering machine service. You will receive a response within the next working day when you contact the clinic.
What is confidentiality and how does this work?All sessions are private and confidential. This also includes sessions for young people whose sessions are being paid for by their parents. We share information with GP's and this is important for patients who are being prescribed medication. We may also share information with a young person’s parents/guardians or other partners, but permission will be sought before any action is taken. In line with our professional duty and local safeguarding procedures, confidentiality will only be broken if there are fears for a client’s safety, risk or the safety of someone else but where possible this will occur in discussion with the patient about who should be told and how. Professional guidelines specify that all mental health clinicians must have regular supervision with colleagues to review clinical work undertaken. At Eleos Clinic, peer supervision and access to the interdisciplinary team is available to all clinicians.
When is consent taken?Consent will be taken prior to commencing assessment and treatment at Eleos Clinic. You will be asked if you wish to be informed of any groups or events offered by the clinic.
Where can I find information on fees?Our fees are fixed for each appointment and you will be informed regarding the cost and billing process when you book and we will discuss what else will be required if further sessions are recommended. Any additional prescriptions or further appointments are charged - see fees section below. Costs and fees are reviewed every year to ensure a sustainable, safe, and quality multidisciplinary mental health service is being provided and there will be further correspondence if there are any changes. Please read more about our fees here:
What do I need to complete before I see someone?You will be asked to complete a general enquiry form and questionnaires prior to attending the first appointment. This is to help your clinicians understand how they can best support you. Please let the clinic know if you have any questions regarding this.
Do you provide video consultations?We provide video consultations via a secure link which will be sent to you upon booking your appointment.
How do the appointments work?All appointments have a fixed start and end time which are booked in advance. The clinic will work flexibly to offer appointments to work around schedules but sometimes this may not be possible and may mean having to take time off education or work to attend for an assessment or intervention. If you arrive late or need to leave early, it will not be possible to alter the time of the appointment on the day and you will be charged for the whole appointment session. Please let the clinic know if there are any issues in attending the appointment in advance by email on or call on 020 3903 9737.
What is your cancellation policy?The clinic requires at least 48 hours’ notice (this does not include weekends) for re-scheduling or changing any appointments.
What happens if I need a prescription?Private prescriptions are provided when medication is prescribed by one of our doctors. Eleos Clinic will send prescriptions to your nominated pharmacy. It may be that your GP is agreeable to writing a prescription if you are being supervised – it is helpful to find out if this is possible beforehand. Private prescriptions are usually included as part of the appointment or will be charged separately. As part of prescribing practice, you will be provided with verbal and written information regarding medications and how they fit into helping you, your child or young person to improve their mental health.
Can I access NHS treatment at a later date?You can ask your GP for a referral to NHS services following an assessment by Eleos Clinic.
Can you tell me about ADHD medications and how shared care agreements work?NHS and Private GP's are not able to provide new prescriptions for most ADHD medications. However, if you are on medication, and you are stable on the dose of medication, then Eleos Clinic can ask your NHS GP to enter a shared care agreement. If your NHS GP accepts shared care, they will expect you be stable for a period of time and under specialist care. A shared care agreement if accepted means you would be able to receive NHS prescriptions if this is accepted by your GP. Ongoing specialist reviews would be required with your psychiatrist at the clinic. Your GP would also need to regularly check and monitor your health by completing physical health observations including blood pressure, pulse, height and weight. Your Psychiatrist would continue to remain the specialist involved in monitoring and reviews, and will update your GP. With a shared care agreement, there is a responsibility for the specialist to see the patient usually every 6-12 months, and for the patient to attend specialist appointments.
Who do I contact if there is a crisis?Families sometimes require additional support. The type of assessments and therapy offered in private practice is not suited to dealing with emergencies or crisis. We will always provide details on how parents and young people can contact us. While the clinic will do its best to support and bring forward appointments however there will be times when it is not possible. If you, your child or young person find yourself unable to cope between appointments, and you are not able to contact me or a clinician in the service, then your GP should be your next point of contact. Alternatively, you could contact NHS 111 for advice or attend your local Accident and Emergency Department to see the on-call team. In the case of an emergency, please do not leave us a text or voicemail, as we may not be able to respond very quickly. It is worth also being aware of organisations such as the Samaritans (tel: 116 123 who provide telephone support at any time of the day or night. Young Minds ( provide help and information on parenting issues, emotional issues, and self-harm. YoungMinds have a crisis messenger service for free 24/7 support across the UK. If you need urgent help text YM to 85258. All texts are answered by trained and supervised volunteers. ChildLine can offer support to your child 24 hours a day (tel: 0800 1111;
Feedback and ComplaintsAs a clinic, we strive to provide the best possible care for our patients. As mentioned, we gather feedback after every appointment, and hope that provides an opportunity to share your experience with others. If you are not happy about any aspect of your care, please contact the clinic and we will always work with you to resolve it. Please contact the clinic if you have any concern or complaint about the service, you have received. A complaint should be made as soon as possible after the event which is being complained of. We operate an in-house complaints procedure to deal with your complaint. Once you have raised a complaint, we will acknowledge this within two working days of receiving it. A call will be made by a team member to speak to the patient and confirm details of the complaint. We will complete an investigation to fully understand the complaint and we will make a full response to you within the next 21 days.
Do you accept health insurance?Health Insurance Coverage - We appreciate this can be a confusing process. At present all patients are asked to self pay prior to the appointments. This may change in the near future. Unfortunately, not all of our services and clinicians are currently covered by insurance either. Most insurance providers currently do not cover neurodevelopmental assessments, and also may not cover the entire cost of the services being provided by Eleos Clinic. We request that you check with your insurer to ensure that they are able to cover the cost of the treatment from the clinic for the specified clinician. The insurance company will provide an authorisation code. If there is a difference in what the insurance company will pay, and what the clinic charges you will be expected to pay the difference. Please let us know before you make a booking if you have any questions regarding this process.
Where can I contribute or learn more about mental health?There is more information on our website and social media channels. At Eleos Clinic, the aim is to be accessible, responsive, and helpful. Please let the team know if you have any ideas or thoughts on how we can continue to serve the community to provide information on mental health and neurodiverse conditions.
Safeguarding children and adultsEleos Clinic acknowledges responsibility to children, young persons, vulnerable adults and their families who access our services. We also recognise the need to adhere to all legislation and local guidelines relating protecting our patients. If you or someone you know is experiencing harm, please call your local coucil and ask for safeguarding children or adults. If there is immediate risk, please call the police on 999.
What is your Data Protection policy?Eleos Clinic is registered with the Information Commissioning Office ( Secure computerised records are kept about you and your child or young person’s basic information, such as name, address, date of birth, contact details, parents name and contact details, referrers name, who else might be involved and General Practitioners name. As required by Professional Guidelines, notes are documented and completed electronically. Any reports, letters, treatment plans, questionnaires and results, or typed summaries are also saved on a secure electronic medical records system. Letters or reports will be shared with you electronically through the clinic medical records system. This is a secure way of sending you reports. Emails will also be sent electronically via our clinic medical records system. These will be sent to the contact email address held on the system for you. The Registration Form asks for your contact details. This includes your address, phone number and email address. It is recommended that to share information you use a personal rather than a work email as this might be accessed by others. If you choose not to use our service, we will not store your information. Eleos Clinic is required to keep your information for at least eight years following discharge or from the date of the last appointment. If your child is being seen, your child’s records will not be passed onto anyone else and will be retained until their 25th birthday. Eleos Clinic will not share or sell any personal information to third parties. If you have any concerns about our use of your personal information, you can make a complaint to us at: Practice Manager You can also complain to the ICO if you are unhappy with how we have used your data. The ICO's address is: Information Commissioner's Office Wycliffe House Water Lane Wilmslow Cheshire SK9 5AF Helpline number: 0303 123 113
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